
20 Tips to Win the Rising star or Top Rated Freelancer badge on Upwork

Upwork is one of the best freelancing platforms. It has created the largest On-Demand Talent agency all around the globe. It has high security not only for sellers but for freelancers as well. Upwork also provides many different perks to freelancers when they achieve Upwork badges like Rising Star, Job Success rate and Top rated badge. If you are a freelancer and you want to know how to get these badges on Upwork. THE MAIN POINT IS TO WIN PROJECTS ON UPWORK AND FOR THAT YOU HAVE TO DO SOME EFFORT. Don’t miss the points below in this regard. 

1. Complete Your profile

The 1st step in achieving a badge on Upwork is to complete your freelancing profile. Upload a Professional and original Image of yours. Your profile must have a strong, captivating and engaging description. You must show how can you serve your client. Why a client needs you? Why You will be the best option for them?
Profile description should include your soft and technical skills.

2. Check what other freelancers are doing

Look for freelancers serving the same niche and observe how they are describing their services. How they are presenting themselves on their freelancing profiles. It will help you understand why clients are hiring your competitor freelancers and not you. Look for the loop holes in your profile and provide the competitive edge to your clients


3. Introductory Video

Create a short introductory video of your services and showcase your portfolio. You can use Canva or any other free video making platform for designing your short video. Do not forget to introduce yourself and your work in the video.

Note: The video should be less than a minute

4. Portfolio

You can use Behance for showing your portfolio but it is necessary to showcase a strong portfolio on Upwork as well. It is not always necessary that client will click the link added by you in your proposal but they will definitely check your profile and look for your portfolio in it.

5. Avoid Grammar Mistakes

Your proposal must not include any grammar mistakes. It should be free from any spelling or tenses mistakes. You can use Grammarly extension for checking out if you have written a wrong sentence or word. It will automatically detect any mistakes and help you in winning a project.

6. Use Client's name

It feels better when someone start a conversation by calling your name. You can search for client’s name in his/her feedback section given by other freelancers. However, If you don’t know the name just use Sir/ Madam or just a Hi will work for you.

7. Greetings

Don’t use Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon for starting your proposal.

Client’s time zone can be different from Yours and using such words in your proposal will create a negative impact on the client. You can use Hi, Greetings or Hello for starting your proposals

8. Tips for Beginners

If you are a beginner, bid a least amount for the project. Just to get started with your freelancing career. You will at least have a good feedback instead of bidding a high amount and losing the project with no feedback.

Remember: In the start, Feedback is all you need not the money. More Clients will consider you if you have a good feedbacks.

9. Tips for Experienced

If you have been working for sometime as a freelancer and new on Upwork then attach your resume and portfolio links or pictures of your work in your proposal. Never forget to showcase your skills through your portfolio because that is the only evidence which shows you know how to work in your specific niche.

10. Questions

To make your proposal engaging, make it a conversation between you and your client and not just a pre-written text. Ask questions about clients project in your proposal to make it look you are starting a conversation. For example, if the client has not mentioned any Budget for the project, Ask about client’s budget. You can also ask about their availability to discuss the daily progress of the project. 

11. Do not Pretend to be a PRO

Donot share work which you haven’t done or anything from Google etc. You must not show designs which are downloaded from an expert’s profile to your clients.

Create your own portfolio. If you are facing difficulty in finding a client, offer your services for free and you will have multiple options.

12. Low Bidding

If you are a beginner and want to win your 1st project then propose a low cost. In your proposal, bid a low amount for doing the project. Ask your client that this offer Is only for a limited time period. It will create an urge to the client to discuss the project with you and don’t miss this opportunity of availing a discounted amount from You.

Sale/Discounts always work.

13. Verified Clients

For saving your time and efforts, it is better to look for payment verification of clients before sending them proposals. Look for the tick mark with their information showing payment method verified. The tick mark shows Upwork has their bank account details and they will be charged if they hire you. It will not only cost your time, efforts but also your connects. Therefore, Invest your connects wisely. Only send proposals to clients whose payments are verified.

14. Client's Ratings

The about section of client shows Payment method verification and ratings given by other freelancers to the client.
You must check the Stars ratings of the clients before sending the proposals. Freelancers who had previously worked with the client will give the insight about their personal experience with the client during their project. 4-5 star ratings means the client is good to work with.

15. Skills Matching Requirements

When reading a job description, be sure that client’s requirements in the project is what you are offering. Don’t waste your connects on projects which include requirements not matching your capabilities and skills. You will end up wasting clients money and getting bad feedback from a client. Consequently, your own profile rating will fall.

16. Power of Communication skills

Communication is the key for developing a long term relationship with clients. You must communicate with your clients professionally and with honesty. Be responsive and polite in your words. Do not lie about your work or the time of your availability to the client. It will save both your and client’s time.

If your work is good and if you are a good communicator, you will surely find clients who will come back to you and pay you more or May be hire you as an employee

17. Work Updates

If you have received a project then giving daily work updates to the client will help build the trust of the clients. You can share screenshots of your work or you can also record video of your work for sharing it with the client. For screen video recording, you can use Bandicam

18. Never Give Up

If you are a beginner and have sent multiple proposals on Upwork but not yet received a single project then this point is for you. Never lose hope even after sending proposals for 2 months. Keep on trying.
Be very selective and wise while choosing the right project for sending proposals 

19. Learning New Skills

Keep on learning new things. Keep on updating your skill sets. Life is a process of continuous learning and keeping yourself update with the new skills and trend will make you stay in the freelancing market and attract more clients.
Some clients may ask you to learn a new skill for them.(Long term Client)

20. Proposals

Even if you have received good feedback and earned a good amount after some time. NEVER STOP TO SEND PROPOSALS. You never know, may be you get a big project and the client is willing to train you and pay you more than you have ever earned.

Pro Tip

Pro Tip: NEVER forget to show gratitude towards Allah/God. Share some amount/percentage of your earned money from each project in the path of Allah/God. Help the needy ones and Allah will increase your sustenance.

Happy Freelancing!!